Motorcycling Ireland – The Wild Atlantic Way

I spent 3 months this spring and summer traveling around Ireland, Europe and the Balkans. One of the must memorable part of this trip was my ride around Ireland.

After reviewing some of my earlier postings that I had published covering my visit to Ireland I thought that the ride report could be presented in a better way. Forums are a great place to share stories and ride reports butthe technology is limited to what you can do. To get a richer multi-media experience you need to use other technologies.

I have a background in programming and computer mapping so I have applied this to developing a ride report with fully inactive maps, pictures and videos.

Link to my new ride report around Ireland

Motorcycling Ireland – The Wild Atlantic Way

Use your mouse scroll to view text in the left side panel.
Click on map icons to view photos
Use mouse to pan around map or scroll to zoom in and out

Story-Map Application


5 thoughts on “Motorcycling Ireland – The Wild Atlantic Way

  1. Hi Brian – Congrats on your nice use of ArcGIS’ Cloud offering. Is the Story-Map Application only for the tech savvy folks or is it as easy to pick up as WordPress? Did you spent a lot of time and/or money on your Proof of Concept? Can we expect to see your Spring travel as a Story-Map?

    Best wishes for the Holidays.


    • Gilles:
      Anyone with a little time and patience can create a Journal Map using Esri’s Story-Maps platform.

      All you need to do first is to create a public account on Esri;s ArcGIS online site

      Esri does not charge anything for creating public non-commercial accounts.

      Once you have an account setup then you can access their Story-Maps sites and
      create you own map journal using any number of different templates.
      Link to Esri site

      Creating routes maps does take some technical know how
      I refer you to the Esri’s tutorial site on step by instructions on how to build your own story map
      Link to Esri’s wewbsite.

      My near term travel plans are, few weeks in Cuba after Christmas, then I will spend a couple months this spring and summer motorcycling around US.

      Anymore trips planned for this years?



      • Thanks Brian for the details on story maps. I might take a look over the winter time. A Cuba vacation after Christmas sounds very nice. For our part, we don’t have anything planned for this winter…may be in the Spring!


  2. Hi Brian,

    Story Map application really adds to the trip viewing experience. Great way to use maps and geography to tell your story. Can’t wait to see your new explorations through this app. Cheers!


  3. Love biking and the West of Ireland 🇮🇪 is among my favourites. Going to give continental Europe another go in May and June again though…


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